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Race, Ethnicity, and American Views on US Foreign Policy

RESEARCH Public Opinion Survey by Dina Smeltz , Craig Kafura , Candace Rondeaux , Heela Rasool-Ayub , and Deborah Avant
people are seen through an American flag
AP Photos

The Council partnered with New America to explore how Black, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Americans view key issues facing the world today.

In the United States, definitions of national security threats are shifting, highly politicized, and closely tied to identity. At the same time, the country is more diverse than at any time in its past. To better understand how these changing demographics may impact future US foreign policy decisions, the Council teamed up with New America to conduct novel research on the perspectives of Americans across racial and ethnic backgrounds as part of the 2022 Chicago Council Survey

Here's what we learned about how different communities think about immigration, climate change, the use of military force, and more. 

Research Briefs

a person salutes an American flag
Race, Ethnicity, and American Views of US Military Power Abroad Most Americans see military power and security alliances as an effective way to achieve foreign policy goals, but differences emerge about when to deploy troops.
flame posters are seen outside the US Capitol
Race, Ethnicity, and American Views of Climate Change Asian, Hispanic, and Black Americans are more likely to view climate change as a threat than Americans as a whole, data show.
the Statue of Liberty seen through a window
Race, Ethnicity, and American Views of Immigration and Diversity Political affiliation is far more closely associated with immigration policy preferences than race or ethnicity, polling finds.

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